Harness satellite technology to sustainably manage the Arabian Gulf

Benefit from satellite-based services

Viewing the Arabian Peninsula from Space reveals key insights on the surrounding shoreline and coastal waters. We transform this satellite imagery into actionable information. By high-quality data and online solutions, we enable our partners to develop, manage and protect aquatic environments along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. The target: A sustainable development of the GCC countries.

Water Quality Monitoring

Get the data you need for the waters you manage via EOMAP monitoring solutions: Our data services, software and apps stand for quick, independent and cost-effective access to key water parameters. Let us empower you to keep an eye on coastal waters and thus increase project safety!


Trust the tech-leader in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB): Our award-winning technology allows to access shallow waters remotely. This reliable bathymetric data will strengthen your coastal planning, modelling or protection measures, while ensuring time and cost savings.

Digital Elevation Models

Hydrodynamic modelling is key to every phase of coastal zone management. We combine satellite with survey data to analyse shoreline and shallow waters. The result is a gridded, seamless 3-D-model of land and sea elevation.

Benthic Mapping

Profound knowledge on seafloor and benthic cover helps protecting marine habitats. With EOMAP, you will enjoy detailed insights even into the most remote habitats. This data can also serve as baseline for coastal infrastructure projects or impacts of climate change.

Shoreline Mapping

Due to waves, currents and storms coastlines keep changing. Satellite data can unveil these coastal dynamics. EOMAP provides shoreline type and stability classifications as well as change monitoring of shoreline dynamics, allowing for gain and loss calculations. This not only shows erosion trends over time and allows for wise spatial planning. It also simplifies land recovery and resilience projects.

Key applications

Building resilient coastal infrastructure

Coastal development and building infrastructure needs reliable data to make them more resilient to climate change. But planning, design and construction projects also call for simple and quick data access. This is what satellite-based solutions by EOMAP offer – built on a fully physics-based method. Perfectly understanding that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, we provide individual service. Plus important cost & time savings compared to traditional survey methods.

Protecting marine environment

Aquatic environments are fascinating living spaces. Our team shares this fascination and an in-depth knowledge of marine habitats. In addition, we understand the role of seagrass meadows, coral reefs and mangroves as important carbon sinks and warrants of coastal resilience. Satellite-based services, such as seafloor classification and benthic mapping are not only key for marine protection measures. They can provide valuable decision support for planners, developpers and investors in the GCC region.

Developing sustainable tourism

Counting +40 million visitors a year and +11.000 hotel facilities, the coastlines along the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf remain highly attractive to tourists. This is why tourism development is high on the agenda of the GCC countries. We have a strong understanding of coastal development and the opportunities it offers. Satellite-derived information can be of immense value to sustainable spatial planning and urban development. In particular, details on bathymetry, seafloor properties and water quality allow for data-driven decision making.

Our Success Stories



Dredging in the Maldives

The Maldives comprise over 1000 islands on either coral structures or sandbars and attract thousands of tourists every year. However, the low-lying islands are very vulnerable to damage from rising sea levels and increasingly frequent storms. Separated by navigable channels, the atolls are subject to change as currents erode or deposit sand. There is a constant need for either keeping channels free or reclaiming land. For coastal protection often sand is obtained by dredging the seafloor. Hence, up to date maps of the sea-floor are needed to define, where the sand can be extracted efficiently without endangering coral reefs or disturbing marine habitats. - Here is, how we helped Van Oord to manage the challenge:
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SDB and Seafloor Analysis

By continuous dredge monitoring we helped Van Oord (NL) - a dredging company contracted by the government of the Maledives - to better manage their operations. In clear tropical waters, optical imagery acquired from satellites can “see” down to the sea bottom. Multispectral images allow experts to both measure the depth of the water and map the seabed. In this case, we used Sentinel-2-imagery (and other satellite data) to derive Satellite-derived Bathymetry (SDB) - a hydrographic chart of water depth down to around 25 metres - and seafloor classification maps. By this, we provided reliable information on sea depth as well as seafloor habitats, benthic cover and geomorphology - using both official classification schemas (e.g. CMECS) or use-specified classes.
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Knowledge gain on water depth and seafloor

Our client Van Oord benefited not only from reduced costs by a very targeted operation. More importantly, the dredgers gained detailed information on the seabed morphology and were thus enabled to avoid damages to the precious coral reefs. In general, the key advantages of using satellite data are that remote and extensive areas may be accessed efficiently, that both historical and up-to-date environmental information can be provided. Moreover, remote sensing is non-intrusive and can reveal seasonal and long-term trends.
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High-Resolution Seafloor Mapping

The Arab Emirate of Abu Dhabi is rich in marine habitats. For instance, it is home to the second largest Dugong populations worldwide, feeding on the country's seagrass meadows of the Arabian Gulf. The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi (EAD) is responsible for facilitating sustainable development, raising environmental awareness and addressing environmental issues. In 2013, EAD started a multi-year programme to create fine-scale maps of land use, land cover and habitat for the entire Emirate. The objective was to provide baseline data layers to support informed decision-making for better preservation of the natural heritage.
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Mapping 30.000 sqkm seafloor

The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi contracted the project to a consortium of companies. EOMAP's task: To develop habitat maps from high-resolution satellite imagery. We have provided seafloor habitat information for approximately 30,000 km² of Abu Dhabi waters. Prior to this programme, a complete high-resolution seafloor composition data set had never available for this area.
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Monitoring protected habitats

This unique habitat map not only enables the environmental authorities of Abu Dhabi to efficiently monitor changes - be it by natural or human impact. It also allows to set up a sustainable coastal zone management, to keep an eye on protected areas and to implement relevant conservation measures. The mapping information were fed into an online tool, called the "Enviro Portal Viewer", which can be accessed here: https://enviroportal.ead.ae/map/
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Our Clients Speak

For this location coverage we estimated to have made a cost saving of approximately one million dollar compared to a traditionally executed bathymetry and / or topographic survey.


Qatar Shell GTL

Very useful tool that can help us acquire reliable bathymetry information in shallow water bodies that are saturated with submerged dangers and hazards to safe navigation.

Jayaprakash Athmaram & Ashish GS Srinivasan

Zakum Development Company (ZADCO)

Water Quality from Space

Imagery in Layers: The images below show the coastline of Dubai, based on high-resolution satellite imagery of Planet Labs. Starting with a true colour satellite image on the very left, EOMAP analytics further show turbidity and Chlorophyll-a concentration around the projects “The Palm” and “The World”. The last image on the right is revealing harmful algae blooms (HAB). The so-called HAB indicator serves as an alert for potentially critical algae developments and is part of the online solution eoApp Water Quality.

Our Awards

for our processing software
ESA's Copernicus Tech AwardRead Full Story
for SDB-Online
Innovation Prize Bavaria 22Read Full Story
EOMAP newly listed
top 100 Geospatial CompaniesRead Full Story

Get in Touch with Us

Rahul Sidharth

Rahul Sidharth

Director Middle East, EOMAP

Please contact our ambassador for the Middle East, who is based near Dubai. With 14+ years of experience in the geospatial sector, he has a strong understanding of market needs in GCC countries. Rahul is open for discussing any of your Earth Observation topics, strategic partnerships and more.

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