Easy access to and targeted analysis of data such as sediment concentrations and hydrological parameters are essential for hydropower managers. Information on the sediment regime, on sediment trapping in the river network and basin are key parameters in order to assess major operation costs and investment risks. However, such information is usually rare in the planning phase of hydropower installations.
Within the H2020 funded project HYPOS (GA No.870504), an innovative Decision Support Tool is developed, providing this kind of data analysis, aiming to decrease project risks with continuous data beyond traditional on-site measurements: direct online access to satellite-based water quality data worldwide, hydrological modelled data and in-situ data. The application of the online accessible HYdro POwer Suite will be showcased in the frame of actual hydropower projects in Georgia, Switzerland and Africa.
EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut (SMHI), STUCKY, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
H2020 EU funded project, Hydropower, Water Quality
Hydropower, Water Quality, Decision Support Tool