Earth observation satellites have been orbiting our planet for about 45 years and provide important information about the condition of our changing environment. In Germany agriculture is by far the largest use of land with about 285,000 farms covering approximately 52% of the country. However, until now access to the latest agricultural information from satellite images was restricted largely to experts since the collection and analysis of data was costly and complicated.
The AGRO-DE project will create a data and analysis platform, which allows farmers, agricultural consultants, contractors and service providers to use pre-processed remote sensing information in a timely manner and to integrate it into their operations. The information will be provided in different formats (such as a map or web map service), levels of information (image data, information products, or dynamic modelling results) and billing models (free or pay).
With the AGRO-DE project all farmers in Germany will for the first time benefit from the latest satellite information. AGRO-DE will provide open access to usable information products, which will stimulate the application of precision farming technologies. The satellite mapping technologies should also appeal to small-scale farms and organic farms. Information products from AGRO-DE will also assist research institutions, federal and state agencies and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in their work, as standardised information products for Germany become available.
EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG, Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR), Hanse Agro – Beratung und Entwicklung GmbH
Research & Innovation, Land Use, Agriculture
Land Use, Agriculture, Operational Services