EU FP7 Project INFORM started
On January 1st 2014, the EU funded FP7-SPACE INFORM project has officially started, coordinated by VITO, Belgium. In the four years lifetime of the project, improved monitoring and forecasting of ecological status of European INland waters by combining Future earth ObseRvation data and Models will be analysed and developed. EOMAP will lead the task dealing with “Stratification” and WP7 “Demonstration”, and contribute to work packages about data gathering, end-user interaction and dissemination.
We are looking forward working together with our European partners from VITO (BE), CNR (IT), University of Stirling (UK), Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique (BE), Stichting Deltares (NL), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK), Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Okologiai Kutatokozpont (HU) and Klaipedos Universitetas (LT).
More information on the project will follow in the upcoming months.