SDB Day 2024 – Workshop at CHC, Canada

Canadian Hydrographic Conference 2024 - key visual

Join SDB Day on 27 May 2024 at CHC in Canada!

The Canadian Hydrographic Conference (CHC) took place from 27 – 30 May 2024 in St. John’s, Newfoundland. This year’s conference motto was: “Unveiling our Blue Planet”.

On the first conference day, the 27th of May, EOMAP hosted the “SDB Day”, an afternoon workshop dedicated to Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB). It included applications, such as shallow water surveying or coastal monitoring, and featured use cases in the Arctic region.

The SDB Day workshop highlit these topics – while considering participants’ preferences:

Technology and Innovations

đź“ŤConcepts and methods of Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB)
đź“ŤWhy Physics-based processing matters
đź“ŤInnovations: Cloud processing of SDB, Shoals and safety in navigation, understanding turbidity
đź“ŤWhat does SDB offer for Arctic regions?

Applications and Use Cases

đź“ŤDemo tour of cloud processing solutions: SDB-Online and eoapp AQUA
đź“ŤUse cases from Greenland and other Arctic regions
đź“ŤCoastal Monitoring and assessment
đź“ŤQ & A

SDB for a community-led hydrography project in Canada

On CHC Day 3 am during the “Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Session 2” Edward showcased a fascinating bathymetry project in Quebec.

In 2023, EOMAP cooperated in community-led bathymetric surveys and helped generate Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) for Canadian coastal waters, using SDB-Online. This new web app enables users to create bathymetric charts within mouse clicks. The project is part of Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan, and empowers coastal communities to gather and utilize bathymetric data. Most of the communities involved lacked detailed bathymetric data on the waters at their doorstep.

See page 6 of this PDF on the community-led project by CHS I Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
Or read the article in the “International Hydrographic Review IHR” about the project we supported with SDB-Online.

SDB-Online applied for a survey project in Inukjuak, Canada
SDB-Online applied for a bathymetric survey project in Inukjuak, Canada
Edward Albada EOMAP
Edward Albada, Principal EOMAP USA - North Americas & Caribbean
portrait Dr. Kim Knauer, EOMAP
Dr. Kim Knauer - Project & Innovation Manager at EOMAP

For further questions, please get in touch with:

Edward Albada – Principal EOMAP USA – North America and Caribbean, or with
Dr. Kim Knauer – Project & Innovation Manager at EOMAP.

Kim & Edward were active

  • at the workshop on 27th May (1:30 – 4:30 pm),
  • at the talk on 29th May (10 am)
  • or visit our booth #33 from 27 – 30 May!

They are always pleased to outline, how satellite-based information on water depth, coastal changes and water quality can enhance your work.

screen capture of SDB-Online - c/ EOMAP
SDB of a coastal water in North Canada - c/ SDB-Online by EOMAP