eoLytics ACOR is EOMAP’s web application to perform atmospheric correction on satellite data, including Sentinel-2 and Landsat imagery. Compared to other solutions it is highly efficient, robust and fully automatic. Another unique feature is that eoLytics ACOR includes specific procedures for atmospheric correction over water.
eoLytics ACOR is a very effective tool for researchers and EO experts who want to perform their own analyses based on the best and most reliable surface reflectance data possible. As an eoLytics ACOR user you can analyse previous satellite records or setup ongoing and fully automated data processing, globally.
The concept and methods behind eoLytics ACOR are based on EOMAP’s proven and established Modular Inversion and Processing System (MIP). This fully automatic, analytical workflow is installed on a cloud environment and has direct access to multiple satellite archives. There are no dependencies on hard- or software, simply use your standard internet browser.
Advantages at a glance
- Access multiple satellite archives without the need to download terrabytes of satellite data or care about time-consuming analytics.
- Robust and very easy to use.
- Use any browser on any device. No dependencies on hard- or software.
- Consistent and harmonized data over time and space.

Request a Demo
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